When I found out that I was pregnant I had a very clear vision of the type of pregnancy and birth I wanted and there was no question that I wanted to birth my baby at home, with the assistance of a midwife who was fully supportive of my decisions. I didn’t feel that this was something I would receive on the NHS and so I did some research into Independent Midwifery and that’s when I found Virginia.

As soon as I read the information on her website, I knew in my heart that Virginia was the right person to care for me during my pregnancy, birth and post natal period. I contacted her straight away at only 4 weeks pregnant and had my first appointment at the end of my first trimester.

When I met Virginia I instantly felt comfortable, supported, encouraged and empowered to do things my way. I needed the freedom to make the choices I believed were best for me and my baby and this is exactly what I was given.

My pregnancy was straightforward except baby was breech throughout. Virginia told me there was plenty of time for him to move in to a head down position, but as the weeks went on my baby seemed to be very settled in a breech position and I was feeling increasingly stressed and as though my home birth was moving further away from me. Virginia explained that there were still many options available to me and that if I wanted to birth my baby at home, she would fully support me with added assistance from other midwives also experienced in breech births.

I decided that the best option for me, should my baby remain breech, would be to birth my baby in hospital, but to have a normal vaginal birth and not be forced or scared into a caesarean section, unless absolutely necessary. The care from Virginia during this stressful time was exceptional! She was in touch to make sure I was okay in between visits and she went out of her way to find other professionals who would be able to support me in my choice to birth my baby vaginally in hospital. Luckily after doing all the things Virginia suggested, my little one decided to move into a head down position late in the pregnancy and we were delighted! Virginia was genuinely thrilled for me too and it felt wonderful to see how much she cared about my individual journey.

I went into labour at just over 40 weeks pregnant and the support I received from Virignia was first class. I experienced a long and intense labour, but with Virginia’s help I was able to remain calm and centred and despite the challenges I gave birth to my beautiful baby boy at home. There were times I considered transferring to hospital as the labour seemed to be going on forever but I know that I was able to stay strong because I had Virginia there reassuring me that all was well with me and baby and that I could do it!

It is now 6 days after delivery and I have settled into Motherhood wonderfully. I always feel uplifted after Virginia’s visits and it’s so nice to have her there should I have any concerns or worries. I know that I can contact her day or night if need be and I feel genuinely ‘held’ as I settle in to this beautiful time in my life.

Virginia is worth every penny and I will definitely be spreading the word to all I meet regarding Independent Midwifery! I will miss her dearly when it’s time to say goodbye, but if I have another baby I will not hesitate to use her services again!
